Designing and building is a complex process.

If you haven’t worked with Design Professionals or Contractors before it can be especially confusing. What follows are the answers to some of the most common questions.


  • If you are looking at a new build or addition, you will need to provide Tight House with a survey from a licensed surveyor.

    Tight House will interpret the local municipal zoning ordinance and the survey to determine what is both feasible from a legal standpoint but also what is the best solution for your personal goals. Understanding these constraints are the foundation of a successful project. Tight House is able to turn this service around in two weeks time after which you will recieve:

    • Site/zoning analysis drawing and zoning table

    • Supporting Documentation

    • Personalized sketching session and explanation of Zoning Analysis

    Tight House considers views, sunpath, neighboring privacy, and site conditions that make your home truly yours to find the best configuration during this personalized sketching session.

    Thoughtful analysis can deliver remarkable results with minimal intervention.

    Please reach out as early as possible so we can get aquainted and Rahul can provide insight into the best way to move forward! Schedule a meeting here.

  • Tight House likes to see what YOU are into. Pinterest and Houzz are a great place to start gathering ideas. Tight House works with you to develop a palette that is harmonious with the whole house and unique to you.

  • Custom architecture is for you. Your involvement is critical to the process and only your involvement will result in a successful design, bespoke to your lifestyle.

  • Pre-Design: 1

    SD: 3

    DD: 3

    CD: 5

    Construction Administration: ≥8

  • Depending on scale and scope of the job Tight House will provide a minimum of 3 designs. Calibration of these schemes will result in more iterations.

  • You may elect to terminate the agreement.


  • If we are limiting the scope of work to the existing footprint of your home: right after we get to know each other through the questionnaire.

    If the project is more ambitious (addition or new build), Tight House will need to perform a feasibility review using your provided survey.

    Tight House will interpret the local municipal zoning ordinance and the survey to determine what is both feasible from a legal standpoint but also what is the best solution for your personal goals.

    Please reach out as early as possible so we can get aquainted and Rahul can provide insight into the best way to move forward! Schedule a meeting here.

  • Depending on the scale of the project and your approval time: between 4-10 months.

  • Depending on the scale and complexity of the project and your commitment to previously agreed upon decisions: between 4-12 months.

  • Tight House has found that committing to a contractor after initial pricing exercise of the schematic design phase provides the team with a resource that keeps budgets in line

  • The world of construction has been a tumultuous place for the last 4 years and challenges persist. Tight House has found that using local materials can aid in mitigating delays


  • Tight House uses a combination of average cost per square foot, complexity evaluations and similar project experience to design projects in a reasonable ballpark of your budget. Tight House is not a cost estimator. Accurate cost estimates will come from your contractor.

  • Tight House has trusted contacts in Essex County, NYC and Hudson, NY.

  • Ultimately, you choose the contractor. Construction is a long process and having a trusted team member who you can work with is critical to a successful project.

  • Tight House will create compliant construction permit drawings for the local jurisdiction. Your contractor will pull permits for the job

  • Tight House will disseminate identical drawing sets and provide answers to all bidding contractors equally. Once bids are in hand, Tight House will provide an "apples-to-apples" comparison document to aid in the distillation of the bids.

  • Tight House Architecture P.C. is a fully insured Professional Corporation. Insurance and Liability compliance is part of the vetting process for all contractors.

  • Site meetings occur at all trade milestones and as required. Your involvement can be as much or as little as you like but I will say that it can be a shock for clients to witness first hand.

    To this I say: this is why you hired professionals.

  • Tight House provides full specification services for all projects. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with our clients to specify fixtures that meet their aesthetic goals, but we are also happy to save you from "decision fatigue" by leading you through this detailed design work for you. Your contractor will have a schedule of items that have been fully determined. The responsibility of ordering and storing materials for your new home will not fall on you.


  • Mechanical Engineering (Energy Retrofit Projects will require a MEP engineer) Structural Engineering (Depends on scale and scope but most projects require) Cost estimating (Licenced contractors are the only ones who provide cost estimates at Tight House)

  • The design process is iterative but not fickle. Logic, not ego drives the design. Should you desire that a new piece of program be integrated into the overall design at any point in the process, Tight House moves to an hourly rate to fold in the new parameter until the same point in the process is reached.

  • The larger the budget, the more room there is to value engineer costs. Contractors that Tight House works with are vetted and trusted; they are not trying to take advantage of you. If redesign is necessary, the contract will move to an hourly basis until the same point in the process is reached again.

  • Tight House pulls contractors into the process right after schematic design is complete. This provides ample time to get a "temperature" of where the project investment level is.

  • Invoices are delivered at the end of the month and billing is based on how far complete the current phase is.

  • A deposit is built into a Tight House proposal for full architectural services.

  • There are other architect's that are better suited to offer this stand alone service. On rare occasions, Tight House consults on an hourly basis.

If you still have questions, please feel free to schedule a meeting with Rahul Shah, Principal architect at Tight House.